We have featured mixed media on various occasion on nenuno because we absolutely love how these hugely talented artists and designers blend and mix different art types together. Be it japanese or abstract we hope you enjoy the third part of this ever popular series.
Focusing on all things mythical from faeries to seductive mermaids we hope you enjoy this stunning collection of fantasy influenhttps://nenuno.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/fantasy-mixed-media-4.jpgced mixed media!
Please note that clicking on the illustrations/manipulations below will take you to the full sized version and will also give you the opportunity to visit the the rest of the artists full portfolio.
The Long Sleep by cosmosue
Northwest Passage by MichaelO
Sunlight by liiga
Under My Skin by MichaelO
Madame Butterfly by cosmosue
The Sorceress by cosmosue
Elven Archer by cosmosue
Alarica by freaky665
Alexandria by MichaelO
Light the Way by cosmosue
The Encounter by cosmosue
La Fee des Marais by Eireen
The Dragon Tamer by moonmomma
Mina by Mercuralis
Tempeste by lilnymph
The Collector by mizzdraconia
Steampunk Geisha by mongrelssister
Kana – the dragon lord by RomanticFae
Nature’s Canvas by cosmosue
Queen of the Dead by mizzdraconia
On a side note, we are looking for some of your contributions! Got something creative to share with the community? Now is the perfect time to get involved! Learn more about Contributing.
great awesome work
It’s great to be inspired by so many different methods across the web.