Be Picture Perfect for Summer!
It’s summer time again! What’s the best thing to do during summer? It’s to go out and have fun! Not only should you feel the summer fun but you should also look the part. Grab the clothes, the shoes the hairdo and of course don’t forget the nails! Summer nails are the thing right now and there’s nothing better to refresh your look than painting your very own summer-inspired nails!
There are plenty of great summer nail art ideas that you can find out there. It depends on the theme that you want to have or the mood that you want to experience. You can play along with bright colors as well as fruit designs and summer places alike for the designs.
Below are just some of the artistic summer ideas that you might find interesting and easy enough to recreate on your own.
The ice cream summer nail art design
What better way to celebrate the heat of the summer than downing on tasty and delicious ice cream? You can project this design on your nails by painting on colorful and yummy looking ice cream designs. You can even add small details like colorful sprinkles on top with the help of embellishments and glitter polish.
You can also go for the bright yellow nail art designs
Summer is all about the sun and it’s amazing to have the sun right at your fingertips. Grab your brightest yellow nail polish and start painting on abstract yellow themed designs n your nails. this also helps spice up your summer outfit as it adds more color to your ensemble making you stand out in that summer party.
Why don’t you try out 3D nail art designs for summer as well?
These are more mind blowing and can pretty much give a dazzling effect on onlookers. All you need to do is stack on top of a nail some embellishments, specially designed nail crafts and beads. You can form things such as ice cream, burgers, fries, and hotdogs; just about anything you want to! You can also try and look for other nail craft designs that you can use for your 3D nail art. What’s important is tat they should be able to stand out and protrude from the nail surface to complete the 3D effect.
If you want to be different why not paint the underside of your nails too?
This summer nail art idea works best with long nails. You know how pretty your nails are when you look at them in the front, but at the back, you see a pale and dull color, so why not spice it up by painting the other side as well? You can even be creative and paint the underside of your nails with neon colors while painting the top side with nude colors to make it stand out more.
Colorful short summer nails. bathe your nails in wonderful colors this summer
It doesn’t matter if it’s long or short you can always make look amazing if you want to. For short nails, you can add an array of bright colors that complement each other. You can also use the gradient technique to show the progression of colors. This helps give life to your nails and makes you look perfect in just about any color of outfit that you choose.
Play along with patterns
This is one of the easiest and most fun to paint on for the summer. You can choose your favorite bright colors and paint them together on each nail. You can even paint different patterns on one nail to the other; this makes it more fun to look at. You can draw plaid, stripes, parallel lines, horizontal and vertical lines as well as diagonal lines. You can even combine the patterns on one nail; it depends on the style that you are going for.
Grab your favorite neon nail polish color
Make your nails look real minty with bright and bold colors that you love to look at. You can use two or three combinations on each nail. Just make sure that the colors either contrast or complement each other so that they look adorable. Don’t use colors that easily overshadow the other color or else they will look simply dull and lifeless. It’s summer so you need your colors to pop out and look lively.
When there is neon there are also pastels
Even though pastels are soft colors they can also be great for summer. You can combine these soft looking colors together to create a more modern and muted shading. Geometric designs are perfect for these types of nail polish and you can even personalize them according to which shape you want. There are a lot so things you can do with pastels and there are so many cute colors to choose from.
One more indication of summer is using tie-dye details
Painting this on your nails makes it even more summery and that’s just amazing to look at. The great thing about tie dye designs is that they are never the same with each other, you can customize them in whatever way you want and they will look absolutely gorgeous still. If you’re a fan of abstract looking designs that are fairly easy to make and have stunning designs that are out of this world.
There are a lot more styles that you could look at when you want to have the best summer inspired nail art. All you need to do is go to art blogs, nail art designs websites and even vide sharing websites to see what other creators have come up when it comes to fresh summer nail art ideas. You can also try and make one of your own. Combine your favorite styles and make a special and customized summer nail art just for yourself. The wonderful thing about painting your own nails and making your own designs is that you have the freedom what to choose from and you feel great about it.
What are you waiting for? Grab your favorite nail polishes now and start painting right away!
Decorate your nails for the summer with pretty pastel colors. You can use any color that you like and add a bit more decoration with floral patterns in white nail polish. You can also leave the other nails with matte colors to distinguish them from those with the designs.
Feel the summer with bright colors no your nails. A wonderful combination of white and blue nail polish is a perfect way to depict the blue skies of summer. You can also add colorful details like flowers to make it even more interesting to look at.
Beautiful nude summer nail art design. What better way to celebrate the fun of summer than having relaxing nails? You can then add thin French tips in black nail polish for added impact.
Who says only bright colors are needed for summer? You can definitely use black and whites and combine them to create a perfect summer nail art design. You can then add lace inspired patterns in contrasting color from the background.
Coat your nails in beautiful blue color that represent the sea on the beach. You can then add white details on top that can represent as flowers then add beads on top of it. It looks refreshing and at the same time adds a more youthful glow to your skin.
Be pretty in pink with this summery ensemble. You can add swirling patterns on top of your matte background then highlight the design with a thin white border around it. You can then add silver beads on top to finish the effect.
Simplicity can also stand out this summer. Why not coat your nails in black and cream colors and make it look purely elegant. You can then add colorful beads on top to highlight the design.
Are you in for black this summer? Don’t be too afraid of using such a dark color since you can always make it pop out with help of beads and highlighting. In this design the white borders help lift the nails as well as the beads on top.
Have your nails look sun kissed with yellows! A perfect looking yellow themed nail art for the summer that has both a plain and frosted effect on the nails.
Look elegant and pretty for your summer get away with this design. The pretty pink colors are simply eye-catching and are further highlighted with the thin black French tips. You can then add silver glitter polish near the cuticles to make the design stand out even more.
Perfectly purple with this amazing looking summer nail art design. the matte purple background us simply stunning and it is further highlighted by embellishments on top as well as a lone white nail with butterfly details on it.
Beautiful looking black and white summer nail art idea. It is simple yet very elegant looking. If you want a simple yet outstanding summer design then this is absolutely stunning.
If you love hearts this is just a perfect design that you’d love to use. It’s subtle but very cute looking as the hearts are painted in alternating colors that contrast with one another. The thin French tips in white polish also look perfect.
When you’re a fan of tribal designs then this summer nail art design will look great! You can use a nude nail polish as background and paint the details with black nail polish so they stand out. Top it off with white French tips and embellishments on top.
Love the matte color? Be pretty in matte blue colors this summer. This simple nail art design looks absolutely pretty and neat with the light shades that can easily blend in the summer season.
Get the burning passion this summer with these bold red nail art design. The nails with the nude nail polish look absolutely soft and adorable in contrast to the strong hue of the red color. Tone down the contrast with some beads on top as well as flower embellishments.
Be pretty in blue hues with thus summer flower nail art design. Flowers are perfect for summer because they can be in full bloom and are well appreciated under the sunlight. The blue colors can also depict the blue skies of the summer.
Are you a fan of contrasting colors on your nails? Then this design is perfect for you! The black and pink combination is simply amazing. The butterfly details are also enthralling with help of embellishments on top of it.
Stay simple yet stylish this summer with this nail art design. The white and nude colored nail polishes fit perfectly with each other. They give a fresher look to your hands perfect for the summer!
Matte pastel colors perfect for the summer. When you want to have that perfect matte color that also are in pastel hues then this design shows you how it’s done. You can add small embellishments to border the nails and give it an effect.
Flowers are the best when it comes to summer nail art designs. Decorate your nails with pretty flowers and amazing color combinations such as blue green, white, black and nude polish. The result is simply beautiful.
Love strawberries? Celebrate the summer with these sweet and adorable looking fruit. Add strawberry details on your nails and add more cute details on the rest of the nails such as heart shapes and thin borders to highlight the plain colored nails.
Flowers bloom the best when summer is around the corner. Why not let them bloom on your nails with this pink themed and floral inspired nail art design. It’s fresh and cute, perfect for summer.
Stand out with this bold looking summer nail art design. The dark purple color simply goes well in contrast with the periwinkle flower details as well as the silver beads on top of it. It’s simple enough but very beautiful to look at.
Be different this summer with this quote inspired nail art design. The design has quotes from a book printed on it, and then it is bordered by white flowers all over. The thin gold glitter for the French tip also makes it look even more glamorous.
Nothing beats the yellow theme this summer. Be vibrant and bold with yellow matte and flower designs on your nails. The frame design of the flowers looks amazing on this design.
Contrasts are the best when it comes to summer nail art ideas. You can add black and nude colors together since they contrast so well. Balance the contrast with some white details on top that resemble lace patterns.
Very fresh looking summer nail art design. The melon coated nails simply look amazing while there are beautiful silver embellishments and beads added on top to complete the wonderful effect.
So do you have a summer party and what your nails to look great? This nude and white nail art combination are simply perfect. You can also add glitter paint on the cuticles to make it stand out even more.
Beautiful black, gray and pink inspired nail art design for the summer. It looks vibrant, bold and ready to party. Apart from the checked designs and the plain pink colors in the middle, e=impressive embellishments are also added on top for effect.