This is our third specific typography showcasing fantastic typefaces, text art and typography. The previous had success in being featured across several other sites on the web so be sure to check out Be Inspired by Typefaces, Text Art and Typography #2.
In this roundup of typography and text art we look to showcase artwork which is new, fresh and exciting and explores the ways in which text art is not often expressed.
New ways in which we can see this work as art, but also marvel at the intricate detail and typographical styling the designs bring. The showcase also features amazing works of typefaces and artworks to showcase new and exciting typeface designs.
Please note that clicking on the typography design below will take you to the full sized version and will also give you the opportunity to visit the the rest of the designers full portfolio.
Knock On The Sky by KrausePSD
I’m Thankful For YOU by SanguineEpitaph
Turkish Flag Typo by omerfarukciftci
dan ger ous by JrDragao
ALL THE LOVE by mgorbea
Life type by Shinybinary
Sometimes by golfis
Are We There Yet? by recycledwax
carry ON by CHIN2OFF
I Want To Go FAST by tokyo-go-go
solar juice by 3tx
destroy awe dwarf doppelganger by sporadictouchofennui
Experimental Typography Candy by crymz
YOU’RE PARANOID by Akutou-san
This Be The Verse by rafejgoldberg
Typomin M by cooldesignvn
Gold Dust by JaxeNL
Bad Romance by Dean-Site
Spam by debruehe
In Space No-one Can…. by Garfcore
On a side note, we are looking for some of your contributions! Got something creative to share with the community? Now is the perfect time to get involved! Learn more about Contributing.
What a great collection… what can be done with type.. dam its really impressive!