The Legend of Zelda is a high fantasy action-adventure video game series created by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. Its gameplay consists of a mixture of action, adventure, and puzzle solving.
A lot of artists love this game and keep creating artwork of Zelda subject. This collection will showcase 20 dream Zelda Artwork created by different artists, which you will see inspiration in game art. If you missed any of the previous showcases on game art, be sure to check out the following:
- The Art of World of Warcraft – Creative & Inspiring Character Concept Art
- Absolutely Stunning & Inspiring Street Fighter Artwork #2
- Absolutely Stunning & Inspiring Street Fighter Artwork
Please note that clicking on the illustrations below will take you to the full sized version and will also give you the opportunity to visit the artists full portfolio.
Zelda – Link and Moldorm fight by Karosu Makerd
Zelda – Blind the Thief by Karosu Makerd
Sparring by Pkcherryd
Shield Surf-TP by eponagirl
Sheik and Link fighting by dexelsd2yvve6
Link VS a Moa by mathieubeaulieu
Link Vs. Octoroks
Link and Gohma
Legend of Zelda:Mountain Theme
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda:Ocean Theme
Legend of Zelda:Forest Theme
Hard times
Conquer Yourself
Big Catch
Adventure of Link
Don’t Worry about Me:
On a side note, we are looking for some of your contributions! Got something creative to share with the community? Now is the perfect time to get involved! Learn more about Contributing.