Glamorous Digital Art Portraits Portraits created by Elena Dudina in the technique of digital painting fascinated with photo manipulation. Lena is a native of Russia. In childhood and adolescence, she had to frequently move from town to town (her dad was a pilot – fighter). Thus she lived in Estonia and Latvia, in the north, Ukraine and even in the Arctic.
For the last eight years, Lena lives with her husband in Spain. Through trial and error, two years ago she took up the study of Photoshop, “swallowing” huge amount of books to study the program. Later she graduated from the courses and photo manipulation Photoshop CS3. Today, she devotes much time on her page deviantart, which gladly communicates with her readers and other artists. More artwork by Elena Dudina.
How good would these look on t-shirts? (That’s a rhetorical question by the way)