We would like to thank The Webcrafter’s for sitting down with us, even though they have had a hectic schedule this past week!
If you would like to connect with them via Social Networks you will find them in the following places:
Their offical Website.
Follow them on Twitter.
Check out their work on Theme Forest.
View their Flickr photostream.
Check out their DeviantArt profile.
Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you both first got inspired to become a web designer/developer?
Actualy we are both web designers with HTML/CSS skills. We work in this field since 2005 and before going by the name of WebCrafters we’ve worked together in the same design studio from 2008 until 2010. We become good friends … and the rest is history.
How we got inspired to become web designers? Nothing new here, I guess we are like the majority of web designers out there, fascinated by the web, and wanted to bring something new to the table.
What does your creative environment look like and are you a Mac or a PC?
Our creative sessions take place in a coffee shop down town Bucharest with a coffee in-front, some snacks and our trusted laptops: a mac and a pc. This is where we discuss new projects, bonce ideas from one to the other, and upload every project on Theme Forest.
The rest of the work is done from home.
What designer resources do you visit for your creative inspiration and what do you do if you are stuck for ideas?
The CSS Awards
Ars Thanea – Creative Agency
Shane Seminole Mielke – Personal Portfolio
Online Portfolio of Justin M. Maller
… and we could go on and on.
When we hit the wall and we are stuck for ideas, usually the simple solution works … take a break and go drink a beer. We like simple solutions *laughing out loud*.
You have over 1000 sales on Themeforest.net, does this mean you can work on your current and future releases full time or do you both work full time?
We both work full time at this moment, but we had this disscusion a couple of times and if things continue as they arel now we plan to go on our own in a couple of months. We have big plans for the WebCrafters, ThemeForest is only the begining!
HTML5 & CSS3 is starting to pop up everywhere, will you be designing your templates to these standards?
Sure, we always try to stay up to date with new standards and as a rule of thumb we always have an open mind for every thing that can bring extra quality to our projects.
A month ago we decided that we should focus only on design and outsource the HTML/CSS development. We also found a WordPress development team composed of two great developers (Sergiu Bagrin and Alex Luncasu) with whom we plan to bring all our projects to the WordPress platform.
What is the next big release from WebCrafters or do you have any other side projects planned?
We are crafting a project called Exquisite that we plan to release on Theme Forest in a couple of days. This project is for someone that needs a classy and stylish presence on the web.
Here is a sneak peek:
The project comes in three flavors: ExquisiteWorks, ExquisiteTravel and ExquisiteFurniture each with custom designed icons and backgrounds. On the backgrounds side we went a bit crazy and made 9 of them!
Whats next? Who knows … eh, we got some ideas ready, we always do :-).
The time to make them all is the problem!
Finally, if we were to start selling HTML templates and WordPress Themes via Themeforest what advice would you give us?
Don’t. Were gonna have some serious competition then :-).
Joking aside, we thought to come up with a smart and sophicticated answer to this question, but you know what ? Its simple, we just love what we do.
Have a strong idea behind the project and make the user the center of attention or fail like many others.
Thank you for letting nenuno interview you both! We are looking forward to seeing how you progress in the future!
Great stuff guys, i think these are some of the best templates around. Gotta buy one for my next project.