As we delve into different cultures from around the world, today we showcase some extremely seductive digital art influenced by the ever so mysterious Geisha girls.
Showcasing some absolutely stunning kimono pattern designs the artists have gone one extra step in detail.
More information about Geisha’s.
Geisha (pronounced /ˈɡeʃə/), like all Japanese nouns, has no distinct singular or plural variants. The word consists of two kanji, 芸 (gei) meaning “art” and 者 (sha) meaning “person” or “doer”.
The most literal translation of geisha into English would be “artist” or “performing artist”. Another name for geisha used in Japan is geiko, which is usually used to refer to geisha from Western Japan, including Kyoto…. –Wikipedia
Please note that clicking on the illustration preview below will take you to the full sized version and will also give you the opportunity to visit the artists full portfolio.
Geisha by gtako
Geisha by jFury
Geisha by vinegar
Orange Geisha by BonsaiMechaGirl
geisha by aeterne
:: Geisha Jin :: by orin
Geisha by FullMetal-S
The geisha by Rowiel
geisha by Emi-Hotaru
Geisha by moni158
Birthday Geisha by Viccolatte
Geisha by e-kun07yukino
geisha by Abuze
white geisha by molybdenumgp03
Animae J-Style: The Geisha by NadezhdaVasile
Sexy Geisha by Eternal-S
+ Geisha by Selenys
Evil Geisha by lychee-soda
red geisha-close up by jounetsunoakai
Geisha by Paimonerra
On a side note, we are looking for some of your contributions! Got something creative to share with the community? Now is the perfect time to get involved! Learn more about Contributing.
Wait a minute. Some of these Geisha’s look a little too European. I guess freedom of expression is good in art, but sometimes tweaking it makes it loose it’s originality.